Pool Covers


Built-In Pool Covers (Under track) – This sleek design is hidden from view.   The tracks run parallel under the pool coping, and the mechanism is hidden in  a concrete box, creating a great looking pool environment.  This system will  work on almost any pool design if planned for prior to construction.

Deck mounted unit (Existing Pools)– The tracks run along the outside of your  pool without any reconstruction.  There are two options on what to do with the  mechanism included in this automatic cover system.  The first option is to have  it mounted on the deck surface incapsulated by a box created by the material  of your choice.  The second option is to recess the box by cutting into the  deck.

Built-In Pool Covers (Under track)

Deck Mounted Unit (Existing Pools)



Step-Saver Manual Cover (Existing Pools) – If your pool is less than 19 feet  wide and 39 feet long, this manual system may be a viable option.  Simply  pool the cover closed with an extended rope, and open the cover by turning a  handle.  Installed the same as a deck-mounted unit.

Loop-Loc Snap-Down Cover – This cover system is a snap-down style with mesh  material.  Manufactured to cover any pool design as long as there is 3 feet of  deck surrounding the entire pool.

Removable Pool fence by Baby-Loc – This is a convenient way to help deter  toddlers from gaining access to the pool.  Fences are available on 4 ½’  or 5’ in  height and installed a minimum of 2 ½’ away from the pool.  This allows  walking space between the pool and the fence.  The fence material is a  superior black mesh for enhanced U.V. stability.  Pole spacing within each  section is 30”

Step-Saver Manual Cover (Existing Pools)

Step-Saver Manual Cover (Existing Pools)

Loop-Loc Snap-Down Cover

Loop-Loc Snap-Down Cover

Removable Pool fence by Baby-Loc

Removable Pool fence by Baby-Loc